Believe it or not this weekend was my first experience playing and watching for that matter the Wii. We went over to some friends house for dinner and a Wii bowling tournament. The company as always.. wonderful, the beer was..oh so yummy, the enchilada's were AWESOME (especially for a white girl) and the Wii was so much fun. The bowling game was quite the challenge (It was different from the one that comes with the Wii) enough that Tommy threw in the towel and quit in the 6th frame. It seems that you have to throw the ball just right or you drop it behind you, which I did many times. After the poor display of bowling, we decided to try boxing. I am happy to say that I kicked my husband's ass in Round 2. Now that is a great way to take out a lot of frustration and get a hell of a work out all at the same time. Two days later, muscles that I didn't even know existed are still sore. What a great invention....wish I had thought of it, especially since all the store are still sold out. The playing of these childish games continued far into the night. Needless to say, I was up the very next morning and placed my order (I found one on eBay) for the Wii complete with the Wii Fit too in hopes to finally full fill what seems like years of New Years Resolutions to loose weight and exercise more.
I have managed to stick with one resolution so far which was to cut down or out, if possible, my excessive habit of drinking diet coke. So far I am 9 days into nothing but water (and the occasional beer on weekends). If you know me, you know that itself is a huge accomplishment.
As for other resolutions....I didn't make any more as not to disappoint myself later.
A Berry Sweet Shower
1 week ago
Okay, you've got me laughing. I always wondered if wii would be fun or answered my question :) Maybe I'll ask for one for my birthday! Take out some frustration of my own..haha Actually, I always wanted to try golf but making a fool out of myself in my living room would beat the heck out of doing it in front of a bunch of guys on a golf course! new year's resolution was to cut out my addiction to diet Dr. Pep and to start going to Curves on a regular and Maci start their nutrition class this coming Saturday :( For some reason I don't think Hawaiian pizza and Moose Trax ice cream is going to be on the "good for you" list :) That sucks. Have a good week!