- You better come straight home. (I gave them no more than 10 minutes to walk in the door from the time the movie got out)
- The "boys" were to drop them off only. They were NOT to get out of the vehicle and they were NOT allowed to stay and hang out (inside, outside or otherwise).
- She was to text me the second she got home.
- I made it clear to not screw this up or it would for sure NEVER happen again!
So, her text came in with a few minutes to spare saying they were home., which Josh confirmed. I was happy and satisfied that my rules were followed and she was one step towards trustworthiness.
However, about 5 minutes later....another text arrives from Joshua, "Those boys aren't supposed to be here, right?" Well for her sake its good that I was actually an hour away in Austin. Since the dance hall was sooo loud, I sent Amanda a text, "Those boys better be gone in 60 seconds or I will call the police to escort them out...oh and let them know they are never allowed back!"
No response from Amanda......
Josh texts, "Geeze don't sell me out now she knows I told you. We gotta work on that one..... I just got offered $5 to keep my mouth shut so they could stay 30 minutes." (Don't you know that it costs more than that to bribe your brother?)
The "boys" were gone in 60 seconds of course, but still no response from Amanda. After making my way outside to 40' freezing temperatures, I make the call I knew she was regreting.
Sometimes, I wish that we had phones like the Jetsons did, you know the kind where we can see the other person and then I could have rung her little neck! She had the nerve to argue with me....of course that enraged me more! "It's no big deal, MOM!" We'll see how big of a deal you think it is when your ass is grounded (no cell phone, no friends, no laptop, no basketball games, no movies, no anything) at least for the next 2 weeks, and if I hear how it's not a big deal again, it will be twice as long until you understand just how BIG of a deal it IS!
I swear...just as you think you can trust them and that they make good decisions, then they go and pull crap like this!
Oh, girl, I feel your pain. I'm learning the older Levi gets to never give them the benefit of the doubt because they will mess it up every single time even though they are the best kid in the world. Problem is, most of the time I find out about it (siblings do like to narc out each other to take the focus off themself! and when they don't narc each other out, the teenagers at our restaurant are quick to do it in an attempt to score points with us) and then again some of the time I don't find out about it :) I honestly think any of their good decisions are only random brain farts. AT&T has a wonderful thing though where you can report a cell phone "lost". They "turn off" the service until you report it "found" so that the phone can't be used. We've used this in the past on Levi, and are now using it on Maci. It's actually quite humorous, you can turn it off mid-conversation. And they're stuck there holding a phone that they can't even use...pure torture for them, pure enjoyment for us. Hey, I'm a mom...I've got to have some fun!!! PS-I don't blame you in the least for going off on her. Rules are rules, not to make us hags but to keep them safe. Look at the bright side, someday she might have a teeanger of her own.