Friday, January 09, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well, yesterday was my first week-day off work in quite some time (holidays excluded). Anyone that says being a stay at home Mom is an easy job, obviously hasn't done it. I knew my day was full so before I got going I made a list of all the things I needed to do. In all, I had numerous places to go, a dozen people to call, housework to be done, shopping to do, doctors visits, physical therapy appointments, ect, ect, ect. As I crossed things off, others got added as I remembered them. At the end of the day, I had managed to get almost everything done, however, I was exhausted and ready to pull my hair out if I had to hear one more argument from a 5 year old. Getting those two in and out of the car (while disturbing their movie) was a fight at every stop. I have to say that going to work is much easier, at least for me.

Although... going to work for me means dealing with the boys there too. I converted my office into half a play room when Samuel came home 3 years ago. They stay busy watching TV, riding scooters and playing out back. Things get hectic sometimes and I have to excuse myself from a customer to break up the latest argument. So I am taking my hat off to all stay at home mother's today. It IS the hardest job out there!

On another note....from the cutest things my kids say file, here is a conversations that Samuel and I had this morning on our way to pre-school.

Samuel: (with the up most seriousness he could muster) "Mom, I really want to get a girlfriend. How do I get one?" (like we could just stop at the store and pick one up)

Me: "Well, Samuel... you don't get a girlfriend, you ask a girl that you like to be your girlfriend."

Samuel: "Can I get one from Russia?"

Me: "Maybe when your older, but not now. A girlfriend is someone like Chelsea is to your brother, Joshua. They go to the movies together, hang out, and hold hands."

Samuel: "Well, I really like Claire in my class. She is pretty!"

So later when I picked the boys up from school, Samuel says to me, "I didn't ask Claire to be my girlfriend today, I will ask her on Monday."

In telling Tommy this story, after laughing his only comment was, "It's good news that he doesn't want a boyfriend."

I would love to know how the young minds work. Where in the world do they think up this stuff. It's just priceless.....

1 comment:

  1. That is so cute... I wish picking out a girlfriend or boyfriend were that easy -- at least it would mean less heartache for the parents who have to live through all of the drama :) And yeah, I agree.. stay at home mom jobs are hard, but how about mothers of 4 who operate and manage their own business -- your like SUPERMOM!!
