So this about my best attempt to draw my kitchen/dining room and living room area, please keep in mind these skills were learned in drafting 101 in high school Yes, that was 20+ years ago and although I did pass, I am not sure I learned anything. I did get carried away adding the dining room table and furniture, it was fun!!
Any who..... You will notice the two black dots that are sitting at our kitchen bar. Those are my two youngest sons, Samuel and Carter, who every single day argue over sitting who will sit on the end. I am not real sure why they fight over it....one would think because the one on the end could see the TV, however in the morning we don't turn on the TV so I guess they argue just to argue. The stools are exactly the same...I just don't get it.
Thrills and joys of parenting, I guess.
So to maintain my sanity, I am teaching them how to take turns. In doing so...they are about to drive me crazy. At least two times a day one of them will ask me, "It's my turn to sit on the end of the bar, right MOM?" They ask this while driving to school, sitting on the potty and even when tucking them into bed. Oh, the woes of being 5 years old and having your biggest worry be when it your turn to sit at the end of the bar.
At least they have mastered the idea of taking turns, which I am happy to be breaking my arm to pat myself on the back.
Wow, if you ever master that whole "teaching them to take turns" thing, call me. I could use some pointers.