After our meeting, I was informed that Samuel could start pre-k as early as tomorrow. Since this is my only week day off, I rushed around getting necessary paperwork to enroll him.
In hopes to make this transition easier on Samuel (which really means easier on me) we went to meet the teacher and see the classroom. Inside the first heart dropped into my stomach. He would be the only Caucasian child in the class and...what???...the teachers were only speaking Spanish. I immediately scolded myself for ever thinking this was a good idea.
Thank god...the director quickly told me this was not Samuel's class. Two doors that's more like it. The kids were so sweet all saying hello to Samuel while he hid behind my legs. The teachers were very sweet and I am hoping for a smooth transition.
After running around getting copies of this and that all afternoon, Samuel is now officially registered for pre-k. The thought really makes my stomach ache. I have always been a tough mother...but the thought of putting this shy, crying, 5 year old on a school bus at 7am, scares the hell out of me. Yep...I will be the mother calling two or three times to check on her child. I'm not sure if I could get through it otherwise. fear has put this off one more week...mainly to give myself a few more days to stress over it. Samuel will start in February. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can keep it together on his first day.
We did end the day on a good note. I took the boys for a much needed hair cut (see Samuel's before picture) and I have to say they are soooo adorable! This was Carter's first hair cut since being here. He was shaved bald when we picked him up in August. Their little faces just make my heart melt.... why can't they stay this way forever?
That has to be so wild to have one getting ready to graduate this year and have another one just starting pre-K! Wow! You are definitely super-mom with so much love to share with so many lucky people! Hope the mornings aren't too hard on you both :)