It was exactly one year ago today, March 22, 2008, that we saw Carter for the very first time. We traveled across 13 different time zones twice in just 7 days. A total of 40 hours was spent in an airplane while we travel 6,633 miles just one way. We traveled to the south western mountains of Siberia to a good sized city called Novokuznetsk, which is located in the region of Kemerovo. The key industries are mining, chemical and machine building. The wages there are very low. The average worker makes about $2800 a year while the slightly richer people make about $4800 a year. The cost of living is very low as well; you can rent an apartment for about $35 a month.
I remember that day like it was yesterday. We landed in Novo at 6am, with snow on the ground and freezing, blowing wind. We were absolutely exhausted from jet lag and nervous about seeing our son for the first time. We had 3 hours to get to our hotel, eat, rest, shower and compose our emotions. I will admit that more than once I wondered if we were doing the right thing. We were very lucky with Samuel, 2 yrs earlier, and what were the chances that we would be just as lucky this time? I couldn't help but think of all the adoption gone wrong stories that I had heard and just hoped that it wouldn't happen to us. I remember walking up the long drive of the orphanage with a big lump in my throat.

The temperature change from the cold 25' outside to a blazing 90' inside was just stifling and quite the shock to our already scared and nervous bodies. We were led upstairs into a playroom and waited...after a few minutes I could hear these heavy little foot steps getting closer and the lump in my throat getting bigger and bigger. Then there he was....walking towards me arms out with no smile on his face. He gave me a hug and a once over look and was off to play. Carter was very active and had gross motor skills of a 2 year old. We played there for at least an hour or so before it was time for Carter to get back to his schedule. He happily gave us a kiss and wave good-bye and was gone. I was relieved that our visit had gone well and was looking forward to our final visit the next day.

In the last year Carter has gained 11 pounds (is 43 lbs. now) and has grown 5 1/2 inches to be all of 42 1/2 inches tall. What is more amazing to me is all the new things he has adapted to in that short amount of time. All the while, maintaining the sweetest most loving personality. I am thankful that we never encountered any bonding problems or attachment issues.
Besides learning a new language and adapting to a new family of 5 people and 3 dogs, Carter has experienced playing soccer and T-ball, a slue of holidays including his first Christmas, Sea World, video games, jumping on a trampoline, learning to ride a bike, playing on a playground, swimming, bowling, going to the movies, plus so many more that one forgets during the course of a typical day. Everything Carter has experienced has been a first for him, and all at the age of 4.
Carter is still a Mama's boy...always telling me I love you, and climbing in my lap for numerous hugs and kisses. His is still very active, but also loves to be cuddled and held. His personality is still very even tempered...not much bothers him although he is very sensitive. Just raising your voice the slightest when he does something wrong will bring him to tears. He didn't used to smile very much, (the care takers in the orphanage didn't smile either), but now he is always laughing and making silly faces.
He loved the toy cell phone that we brought him in the orphanage. Today an old broken cell phone is still his favorite toy to play with. Who he talks to and in what language still remains a mystery to us.
Carter and Samuel have both brought so much love into our home and confirms the positive side of international adoption every time I look at their faces. I can't, for a second, imagine not having either of these boys as my children.

I realize now that we are the lucky ones!