Ok, so it's my birthday! All I asked for was a bumblebee! Sorry bumblebee....you would have loved me as your owner! Between you and me.....I didn't think it was too much to ask!
So do I feel 38 today? Hmmmm....my mind still feels 18 while my body says, "ugh". I am the type that loves to celebrate my birthday, after all am I not the only person in the world born on August 7th? Well, probably not, but I like to think so! Should be a national holiday if you ask me....obviously no one ever did!
When I walked into the kitchen this morning, I had a few presents waiting patiently for me to rip open. In addition, my husband stayed up late making his famous/my favorite salsa for weekend away with my girlfriend. Definitely a bonus....we love to eat chips and salsa to drink with our beer.
Oh, yea...the weekend....I'm not sure where we are going; it is still a surprise. Karri and I love to celebrate each others birthday's! Some years it's been things such as a George Strait concert, others have been lazy days on the lake. Either way, I always seem to figure out the surprise. I don't try to do it on purpose and I can't help it. It happens after they tend to give out too much or just the right piece of information. However, this year....I'm still boggled, but have a few guesses. :) We'll see! I just know that I was instructed to bring a few clothes, a swim suit, and my i-pod. Could be just about anything here in sweat ville, but regardless, It sounds like a blast!
So again Mr. Bumblebee, I'm sorry....guess it was too much for me to ask!
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