With Tommy out of town again this entire weekend, it gave me a chance to be completely lazy.
I started off Friday night, taking my children out to dinner, then off to Blockbuster to rent a few movies. It was all chick flicks and cartoons for us.
If you ever get a chance to rent My Best Friends Girl....watch it and make sure there are no impressionable children around. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. Great comedy and Dane Cook....he is hot!
Anyway, half of Saturday was spent catching up on my DVR recorded TV shows. Something I had been meaning to do before I ever went to Colorado. I was very behind to say the least. The weather was perfect...the boys spent hours playing outside on their 4-wheelers.
Just to get out of the house for a while, Amanda and I took the boys to McDonald's to eat lunch and play on the play scape. I remember several months ago Carter didn't have enough coordination to play on it and would get stuck half way up those small tubes. Today, he played and played without any problems. We got home just in time for Carter and I to take a long nap and I have to say that was the best part of the day.
Then it was off to T-ball practice...a sure sign of spring along with my flowering Bradford pear trees in the back yard. I managed to escape my parental duties of cooking again by just ordering some pizza...although I am looking forward to my husband's home cooked meals when he gets back.
After giving the boys a bath and tucking them into bed, Amanda and I were free to begin our slue of movie watching. We both lasted until midnight before heading off to bed. Every time Tommy is gone, I have a new bed mate. It would be great except she talks to me in her sleep and I always wake up startled with her just staring at me.....kind of creepy if she weren't my daughter.
So yes...it was an unproductive weekend, but it was GREAT!
A Berry Sweet Shower
1 week ago
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