I love technology! And to go one step further, I love the fact that it sucked when I was a kid!
This past weekend, I secretly installed a "locator" on my daughters cell phone. She hasn't done anything (yet) to arouse my suspicions, but she is my only daughter and do I need to remind you that she is 16 years old? I was 16 once and lets just say that for the most part, I was a good kid. However, I was not always where I was supposed to be and not doing what I was supposed to be doing.
Yeah, we'll just leave it at that!
Anyway, for precaution sake, I thought the Verizon Family Locator was a good investment for a small $10 a month. I have only "located" her a few times, mostly for my own entertainment, and so far so good. In fact, yesterday was the first time she drove into Austin, alone, for a dentist appointment. Yes, I was nervous, but tracked her location every few minutes until she arrived safely. It also lets me know how fast she is driving, which would have been a great thing to know when Josh was 16!
So far she is unaware of the application on her phone and I plan to keep it quiet as long as possible. When and if she ever notices it, I have already decided to tell her that its for her safety. Should she ever be in an accident and unconscious, I will know exactly where she is. Although that reason is true, I will admit that it's also to check up on her and to spare my own worry.
After all....I'm afraid that once all the hair on my head is white it will migrate to other places on my body! Yikes!
A Berry Sweet Shower
1 week ago
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