The party went exactly as planned! (with the exception that one friend couldn't make it at the last minute) The girls all had a great time and my friend, Karri and I enjoyed sharing in their fun. We stayed at the Courtyard Marriott, which is a new hotel right on the Riverwalk. It was very nice...well, until the morning after that is. Their room was a mess and I am just waiting to see if there are any extra charges on my credit card. So far, so good! There was confetti EVERYWHERE! When I say everywhere, I mean everywhere....in the beds, bathtub, sink, floor, balcony, desk, just about anywhere you can possibly think of. We also wrote with lipstick on the mirrors of the bathroom "16 Reasons Why We Love Amanda". The balloons added a cute touch, however really irriated the girls when they found them hovering around their face the next morning.

- Ask a stranger to kiss your hand
- A Starbucks cup signed by an employee
- The Harley Davidson logo
- A take out menu
- Ask a stranger to write you a birthday message on a napkin
- Buy something for exactly $1 including tax
- Ask a stranger for a quarter until you get a Texas quarter
- Find a cute boy and take a picture with him
- Get someone to give you a birthday spanking
- Take a picture of bathroom graffiti
- Find a police officer, security guard or bouncer and take a picture with him
- Take a picture with a man over the age of 50
- Take a picture of a guy with a mullet
- Buy a postcard
- Get a book of matches with a hotel logo
- Ask of group of people to sing you "Happy Birthday"

I think finding a cute boy to take a picture with was the task that took the longest. She was just to embarrassed! It was a lot of fun and I think the other girls got a kick out of watching Amanda squirm! Needless to say, the weekend was full of laughter.
We enjoyed a nice dinner at the Rainforest Cafe! What a cool place! Other than the long wait...the food was great and the atmosphere was really enjoyable.
I hope that it created as many memories for Amanda as it did for me! She really is an awesome daughter and deserved every minute of it!
I'm glad all of you had such a good time. What a neat idea!