Last night was our first T-Ball practice for 2009. This being Carter's first year to play and Samuel's second year. Both were very excited to say the least to get to the field. They were both dressed in their baseball garb at least an hour before it was time to leave.
Practice started with the coach hitting grounders to each player. Carter, of course, thought it was his turn every other time....Just loved to play the game I guess. He is the smallest child on the team, but certainly has the biggest personality. Overall he didn't do that bad for his first time and I think he really enjoyed being out there. It was a much better experience than fall soccer. Carter's turn for batting practice went great, which is to say that he made contact with the ball and it rolled about 15 feet. Oh well, not to bad for his first time!
Samuel got out there like a pro. Fielded the ball and was able to make a throw to first base without any problems. However, when it was his turn to bat...each child got 5 hits and would run on the 5th hit. Samuel's first hit was a doozy....landed just past 3rd base and rolled all the way to the fence. Even the coach's were shocked as they expected this little Russian to play somewhat like Carter did. Well, Sam got so excited that he ran to first base...while we were all shouting for him to go back and
So with the first practice under out belts....I am looking forward to a good season... after all it means spring!
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