The day went fantastic for Samuel up until he got on the bus. I had a feeling that would be where the problems began. Since I am an overly organized person and feel the need to instruct my children exactly step by step....I guess I forgot to mention the bus ride in detail to him.
According to the driver...He got on the bus just fine, however, when the first stop came and it wasn't our street...he panicked. Obviously, I forgot to mention that the bus follows a route and would not be taking him directly home. oops! She said he cried from the first stop on.
Then to make matters worse....while Amanda was waiting patiently at the corner....the bus kept going while Samuel's little face was pressed against the window. Of course she called me in a panic that they bus never stopped to let him off, so I quickly called and the driver was quick to turn around and drop him off. Poor baby.... I knew something like this would happen. He told Amanda..."I saw you, but she didn't stop." sniff, sniff
We got word today that Carter has been approved to start pre-K also, so I get to do all this again next Monday.
A Berry Sweet Shower
1 week ago
Oh, that is so sad! What a visual that is... his poor little face pressed against the window. It's enough to bring tears to any mom's eyes! I'm glad it was better today. At least you kind of know what to expect for Carter next week. Hopefully :)