It has been a very good week for both boys at school. Samuel is finishing his 2nd week, while Carter is finishing his first. Both are doing very well and have adjusted great! I spoke to Samuel's teacher yesterday and she had high praises for him, which of course made me very proud. "Samuel has very good manners in the classroom and is a very good boy." Now what mother doesn't like to hear that? I know he plays hard while there because each night about 7:30 he literally asks to go to bed. Which is very good for Mommy and Daddy time!
Carter's teacher doted on him as well saying he was the sweetest child. He is always in such a great mood and full of hugs and kisses. Riding the bus never bothered him, in fact, we laugh because he is so little he has to crawl on all fours up the stairs just to get on. It's cute! His little legs are just not big enough for that first step.
Yesterday was my first day off without the boys....and it was awesome! Don't get me wrong, I love them to death. It was a full day of running around, but not having to take kids in and out of the car ever 5 seconds really helps. I started off taking Samuel back to the Audiologist to get fitted for his hearing aids. They should be in next week and I am just keeping my fingers crossed that he wears them without too much trouble.
Then it was back to school for Samuel....After that I was able to meet a good friend for brunch, which was awesome since I never get to do that. Then came my workout session and boy did it feel good. After that I treated myself to a pedicure before picking up Amanda from school and taking her to physical therapy. to see that hot therapist again! Then home to get the boys off the school bus...back to pick up Amanda from PT and drop her off to get her hair highlighted. Rush to the store for some last minute Valentines Day shopping....pick Amanda back up and drop her off for a quick tan at the tanning place....then finally home! Ugh.... exhausted but happy with my day. Can't wait for the next day off....oh week I will be spending my time off with my BFF from high school. Traveling to Colorado will be such a fun get away for me! I can't wait!
I can just picture Carter climbing onto the bus :) I'm really glad they are both doing well in school...huge relief for you in more ways than one.