What started out as the week from hell as ended well.
Samuel is really enjoying school and has adjusted to riding the bus. He is really beginning to act like a school aged child....he said last night very excited, "So I get to sleep in tomorrow and stay home from school?" Never has that been a concern of his, and of course 6:45 am does not constitute sleeping in in my book. Which is why I am sitting here typing this at 7:15am on a peaceful Saturday morning.
Carter finished his last day at his old school yesterday and is anxious to start his new one on Monday. I promise not to be a basket case next week. He is my brave one so I don't anticipate any problems, crying, ect. It will be very strange not seeing either of them all day as one or both of them have been with me at work for the past 3 years. Maybe now I will get some work done.
Joshua is officially assigned to a dorm room for college next fall. It makes this too real for me. I can't believe that small baby that I rocked in the middle of the night while watching the Gulf War on TV is grown up now. We are still in FASFA hell as we continue to finish this financial aid packet. He started applying for scholarships yesterday and I am just keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out okay.
Amanda attended the funeral of her friend Hyatt yesterday. Finally a little closure for her on this. Time does heal all wounds and she is doing much better. While I am talking about her....I wanted to pat her on the back a little as I am very proud of her. I talked to the H.S. Counselor yesterday to find out that Miss Amanda is ranked 32 out of 289 in her class. Her GPA right now is 5.6. Since she is a perfectionist...wonder where she got that from....she isn't happy that 31 others are smarter than her. Seriously?
Tommy is out today pretending to be 20 years younger than he is. He is competing in a trials competition. That is skill motorcycle riding for those who aren't familiar. I hope he comes back in one piece, but just as long as he has fun.....
I have been very happy with my progress on working out. It has gotten easier and satisifing. Now maybe I can loose that extra 50 lbs that has been looming over/on me for years. It certainly has been helpful in dealing with my already hectic lifestyle.
Hurray -- great way to end a week that started out a little rough! I'm glad Samuel is doing better with it all, and I bet it will be a breeze for Carter next week. I'm with you on the scholarships.. and FASFA. We got a letter yesterday that according to our FASFA EFC (Estimated Family Contribution) that she didn't qualify for a few of the state financial aid opportunities. WHAT??? We live month to freaking month and they say we make TOO much??? I'm not sure how someone could live on less than we do and yet that is too much. Good luck with yours, maybe Texas is more generous! I'm glad Amanda is doing better after the shock of losing her friend. What a tough week your family had -- I'm glad it ended well!! (Oh, and WAY TO GO on the workouts!! You ROCK!!