Monday, March 30, 2009
Please Just Shoot Me....
I would like to think with 4 children, I would have an abundance of patience, however, teaching Amanda to drive a stick has just about killed me. I finally threw my hands up last week and put the car up for sale. Her anxiety about a standard transmission almost caused 3 different accidents on one single day.
Luckily, her car sold two days yesterday with cash in hand we went looking for car #2 and most importantly an automatic this time. Trying to find a "pretty" car and reliable at the same time...all within her price range proved to be somewhat challenging. First, we looked at a Honda Civic...certainly a good car, too bad the people couldn't speak English. And why was a private seller selling a car without a registration sticker or a license plate? Hmmmmm.... something funny about that. NEXT! Then we went to see another Honda.... Accord this time, it had been drove hard and needed some serious rest. NEXT! Finally, after driving half way to Dallas we looked at a cute Kia Sportage. It fit exactly what Amanda wanted (small SUV) you wouldn't have caught me dead driving a "soccer mom mobile" when I was 16, but whatever... It drove good and got Tommy's mechanical stamp of approval! Whew....thank god! I rode home with her and was so pleased at how relaxed she was and what a great job she did. Guess I made the right decision there.
All is well that ends well....but I know I grew many gray hairs over this.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Yep...I'm Bragging

Sunday, March 22, 2009
What A Difference A Year Makes
The temperature change from the cold 25' outside to a blazing 90' inside was just stifling and quite the shock to our already scared and nervous bodies. We were led upstairs into a playroom and waited...after a few minutes I could hear these heavy little foot steps getting closer and the lump in my throat getting bigger and bigger. Then there he was....walking towards me arms out with no smile on his face. He gave me a hug and a once over look and was off to play. Carter was very active and had gross motor skills of a 2 year old. We played there for at least an hour or so before it was time for Carter to get back to his schedule. He happily gave us a kiss and wave good-bye and was gone. I was relieved that our visit had gone well and was looking forward to our final visit the next day.
In the last year Carter has gained 11 pounds (is 43 lbs. now) and has grown 5 1/2 inches to be all of 42 1/2 inches tall. What is more amazing to me is all the new things he has adapted to in that short amount of time. All the while, maintaining the sweetest most loving personality. I am thankful that we never encountered any bonding problems or attachment issues.
Besides learning a new language and adapting to a new family of 5 people and 3 dogs, Carter has experienced playing soccer and T-ball, a slue of holidays including his first Christmas, Sea World, video games, jumping on a trampoline, learning to ride a bike, playing on a playground, swimming, bowling, going to the movies, plus so many more that one forgets during the course of a typical day. Everything Carter has experienced has been a first for him, and all at the age of 4.
Carter is still a Mama's boy...always telling me I love you, and climbing in my lap for numerous hugs and kisses. His is still very active, but also loves to be cuddled and held. His personality is still very even tempered...not much bothers him although he is very sensitive. Just raising your voice the slightest when he does something wrong will bring him to tears. He didn't used to smile very much, (the care takers in the orphanage didn't smile either), but now he is always laughing and making silly faces.
He loved the toy cell phone that we brought him in the orphanage. Today an old broken cell phone is still his favorite toy to play with. Who he talks to and in what language still remains a mystery to us.
Carter and Samuel have both brought so much love into our home and confirms the positive side of international adoption every time I look at their faces. I can't, for a second, imagine not having either of these boys as my children.
I realize now that we are the lucky ones!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Belly button....I'm sorry!
I will admit that I was hesitant about doing it....Yes, I do have two tattoo's that hurt like a mother...and self inflicted pain is not high on my priority list. However, Amanda is absolutely the BIGGEST baby I have ever seen. She insisted that I go first so she could see the look on my face. That was even more pressure that I didn't need, but like the good mother I am, I put on my brave face and went first.
I have to say it wasn't anything like I expected. For some reason, I expected a gun like device that they used on my ears many moons ago. Quick and painless.......NOT! The man had a needle about 3" long and he shoved it through my belly button. Talk about pressure.....and all the while I am smiling...when I really want to cry. I was so relieved when my turn was over...but I was worried about how Amanda was gonna take this.
It freaked her out!
Her turn....she squeezed the shit out of my hand and I have to say was very brave after witnessing my experience. She did moan and flinch a little...maybe because she has zero fat on her body...but went through with it. And I have to does look very cute!
So here is to another experience shared with my daughter....but I'm sorry belly button that I hurt you!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Five Little Criminals.....
I guess that could be taken several ways....
I'm glad he can count backwards from 5...
In his mind, maybe the criminals were there for an old fashion hanging.....
Anyway, his funny little song made us laugh, thus starting our day off right!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Rain Rain, Come This Way!
Spring fever here in central Texas means people are gearing up for the lake. Well, not so fast as our lakes are very low. (25-30 feet down in some areas) We haven't had a good source of moisture for months and with our rainy season 1/2 over....we are in trouble. Don't get me wrong....I'm not wishing for the 19" of rain we got in one single night a few years back, thank god we live up on a hill over looking the city, just several days of heavy rain would be fine.
We don't spend a lot of time on the lake anymore now that we have a pool in our back yard, but seeing the lakes full of water with all the boats is such a relaxing site. The drought is also very bad for business at the store as people rely on us for their boating accessories.
No boating=No accessories=No money
So please mother nature....send us some rain!
Sunday, March 08, 2009
I started off Friday night, taking my children out to dinner, then off to Blockbuster to rent a few movies. It was all chick flicks and cartoons for us.
If you ever get a chance to rent My Best Friends it and make sure there are no impressionable children around. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. Great comedy and Dane Cook....he is hot!
Anyway, half of Saturday was spent catching up on my DVR recorded TV shows. Something I had been meaning to do before I ever went to Colorado. I was very behind to say the least. The weather was perfect...the boys spent hours playing outside on their 4-wheelers.
Just to get out of the house for a while, Amanda and I took the boys to McDonald's to eat lunch and play on the play scape. I remember several months ago Carter didn't have enough coordination to play on it and would get stuck half way up those small tubes. Today, he played and played without any problems. We got home just in time for Carter and I to take a long nap and I have to say that was the best part of the day.
Then it was off to T-ball practice...a sure sign of spring along with my flowering Bradford pear trees in the back yard. I managed to escape my parental duties of cooking again by just ordering some pizza...although I am looking forward to my husband's home cooked meals when he gets back.
After giving the boys a bath and tucking them into bed, Amanda and I were free to begin our slue of movie watching. We both lasted until midnight before heading off to bed. Every time Tommy is gone, I have a new bed mate. It would be great except she talks to me in her sleep and I always wake up startled with her just staring at me.....kind of creepy if she weren't my daughter.
So was an unproductive weekend, but it was GREAT!
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Calling All Baseball Fans....
Last night was our first T-Ball practice for 2009. This being Carter's first year to play and Samuel's second year. Both were very excited to say the least to get to the field. They were both dressed in their baseball garb at least an hour before it was time to leave.
Practice started with the coach hitting grounders to each player. Carter, of course, thought it was his turn every other time....Just loved to play the game I guess. He is the smallest child on the team, but certainly has the biggest personality. Overall he didn't do that bad for his first time and I think he really enjoyed being out there. It was a much better experience than fall soccer. Carter's turn for batting practice went great, which is to say that he made contact with the ball and it rolled about 15 feet. Oh well, not to bad for his first time!
Samuel got out there like a pro. Fielded the ball and was able to make a throw to first base without any problems. However, when it was his turn to bat...each child got 5 hits and would run on the 5th hit. Samuel's first hit was a doozy....landed just past 3rd base and rolled all the way to the fence. Even the coach's were shocked as they expected this little Russian to play somewhat like Carter did. Well, Sam got so excited that he ran to first base...while we were all shouting for him to go back and
So with the first practice under out belts....I am looking forward to a good season... after all it means spring!
Monday, March 02, 2009
"That, That That Don't Kill Me, Can Only Make Me Stronger
I am still working out to the best of my ability. Yesterday, I had a treacherous workout. Miss Amanda decided that we needed to do some weights....Yea! So we headed down to the gym way to early for any morning much less a Sunday morning.
We decided to only do 30 minutes of cardio since we had planned to also do weights. Thank god the gym was completely empty of people, so no one could view my pathetic display of lifting weights. The circuit consisted of squats, which were not pretty, arms, legs and finally our abs. I was doing real good until....we got the our abs. She suggested that we do 3 sets of 25 with an 8 lb medicine ball on our chest. OMG...thought I was going to die after the first set. It was so nice of Amanda to suggest that I only do 20 for the next two sets.
She does love her mother.
So at the end of the work out, I was happy that I was able to "keep up" with a 15 year old girl....who weighs 70 lbs less than me. I am hurting today and feel somewhat like a 37 year old mother of four.
Oh wait....
I am a 37 year old mother of four!