Monday, December 03, 2012
Family Traditions
Around this time last year, we were visiting various colleges and universities in hopes of finding the perfect fit for Amanda. I remember her stressing that she wanted to attend a college that had numerous school traditions. At the time, I just thought that was something silly to even be concerned about. However, as I was preping our house for Christmas this weekend, I realized how many holiday traditions I have instilled in my children. So I decided to sit down and list them just for fun.
* Every year beginning from the time they were born, I have bought a special ornament for them. As they grew, their ornament would be a symbol of something they were interested in or liked at that time. It's my intention for each one of them to take their ornaments and hang them on their own family's Christmas tree someday.
* We always go out for a family dinner on Christmas Eve. When the kids were small, Santa sometimes visited while we were gone, to throw them off since they were with us the entire time. After dinner, we spend the evening viewing Chistmas lights and walking through displays.
*The annual Christmas Gift Game....11 years ago I got tired of the the kids peaking in the presents and Tommy guessing every gift. So each year I come up with a theme. For example one year the theme was animals. Each person represented a different group of animals. Amanda was zoo animals. Josh was birds. Tommy was ocean animals. Samuel was farm animals, and so on. It keeps them from shaking and guessing because they don't know which gifts are theirs. On Christmas morning, I pass out the gifts one at a time while everyone watches and keeps track on paper of who gets what. The first person to correctly identify the theme and category details, wins $100 cash. We've had a music group/song theme, states and capitals theme, ABC order theme, just to name a few. I start thinking up a new theme each year around Aug/Sept. Depending on the complexity of it, sometimes I've had to keep a written list to keep everything straight. It's always very controversial and competitive in our house, but never the less, it's FUN!
*This year we started a new tradition. We bought 24 children's Christmas books and wrapped them up individually. Beginning on December 1st, the boys alternate and open one book per night. Sometimes they read us the story and other times, I read it to them. We bought most of the books at the local thrift store to keep cost down. So far, they really love it and it helps their reading level too!
* Leading up to Christmas Day, we always watch ALL of the movies and cartoons that pertain to Christmas.
* Christmas Day night, we go to the movies as a family.
* I make loads and loads of Christmas candy, cookies, breads, snacks, fudge and so on. We like to make our neighbors small trays of goodies and deliver to their houses the week of Christmas.
* Each year we like to do something for someone or some family that needs a little extra help during the holidays. Each year is different. Sometimes we give a gift card. Another time we bought lots of gifts. Many years ago we hosted a Christmas party for children at a low income housing project. It helps my children to remember how important important it is to GIVE at Christmas!
I guess I understand why traditions are so important to my kids. Anyway you look at it, Christmas has always been my favorite time of the year. Our family traditions, just add a little character to it!
* Every year beginning from the time they were born, I have bought a special ornament for them. As they grew, their ornament would be a symbol of something they were interested in or liked at that time. It's my intention for each one of them to take their ornaments and hang them on their own family's Christmas tree someday.
* We always go out for a family dinner on Christmas Eve. When the kids were small, Santa sometimes visited while we were gone, to throw them off since they were with us the entire time. After dinner, we spend the evening viewing Chistmas lights and walking through displays.
*The annual Christmas Gift Game....11 years ago I got tired of the the kids peaking in the presents and Tommy guessing every gift. So each year I come up with a theme. For example one year the theme was animals. Each person represented a different group of animals. Amanda was zoo animals. Josh was birds. Tommy was ocean animals. Samuel was farm animals, and so on. It keeps them from shaking and guessing because they don't know which gifts are theirs. On Christmas morning, I pass out the gifts one at a time while everyone watches and keeps track on paper of who gets what. The first person to correctly identify the theme and category details, wins $100 cash. We've had a music group/song theme, states and capitals theme, ABC order theme, just to name a few. I start thinking up a new theme each year around Aug/Sept. Depending on the complexity of it, sometimes I've had to keep a written list to keep everything straight. It's always very controversial and competitive in our house, but never the less, it's FUN!
*This year we started a new tradition. We bought 24 children's Christmas books and wrapped them up individually. Beginning on December 1st, the boys alternate and open one book per night. Sometimes they read us the story and other times, I read it to them. We bought most of the books at the local thrift store to keep cost down. So far, they really love it and it helps their reading level too!
* Leading up to Christmas Day, we always watch ALL of the movies and cartoons that pertain to Christmas.
* Christmas Day night, we go to the movies as a family.
* I make loads and loads of Christmas candy, cookies, breads, snacks, fudge and so on. We like to make our neighbors small trays of goodies and deliver to their houses the week of Christmas.
* Each year we like to do something for someone or some family that needs a little extra help during the holidays. Each year is different. Sometimes we give a gift card. Another time we bought lots of gifts. Many years ago we hosted a Christmas party for children at a low income housing project. It helps my children to remember how important important it is to GIVE at Christmas!
I guess I understand why traditions are so important to my kids. Anyway you look at it, Christmas has always been my favorite time of the year. Our family traditions, just add a little character to it!
Sunday, January 09, 2011

The party was catered by a local catering company and they did an excellent job. A big thanks to Josh and Caitlin for bar tending for us...I think it added a personal touch and no doubt they enjoyed free access to the alcohol.
It was a first time for me to see my older children all dressed up and WOW...they looked awesome! Amanda was quite beautiful in her dress and her hair all fixed up. She certainly didn't look a mere 17 years old. Joshua was very handsome in his pin-stripe suit...I honestly thought that the first time I saw him dressed up like that was going to be his wedding. Both kids standing with their "significant others" really hit home for me that they are not my babies anymore, but grown, mature, beautiful children. I have to give myself a little credit for raising such wonderful kids!

So despite the limo going to the wrong place at the wrong time, people who RSVP and never came and Keith Urban not showing up..(just kidding), it was a memorable night. It was my pleasure to create such a special night for a very special friend. Happy Birthday, my friend!
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
My Bucket List

As I get settled into a new year, I can't help but think about my own bucket list and what I hope to accomplish this year. Of course there is the usual stuff such as exercise more, eat healthy, work less, yada, yada, yada.
But since I like to challenge myself, lets start off with skydiving. I am scared to death of heights but something about jumping out of an airplane at 12,000 feet strapped to a stranger and plunging towards earth at a speeds I don't even want to know...sounds like an amazing rush and a life appreciating experience to me.
Run a marathon....Well it's not at the top of my list but none the less, it's on my list. As out of shape as I am, I should start training. Well maybe next year!
Sell everything and move to a foreign country. Not sure which country and really, I'm not picky...but life has so much to offer each of us and I feel guilty, like I am cheating myself, for not exploring everything that's out there.Take helicopter flying lessons. I know this is an expensive hobby, but it's something that I have always wanted to do. I guess I should start out with baby steps and ride in one first.
Watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in person. Something about seeing those huge balloons and floats makes me feel like a kid again.Volunteer to work in a soup kitchen for the homeless on Thanksgiving Day.
Ring in the new year in Time Square, NYC. Amidst the freezing weather and a bazillion drunk's a celebration like no other.Spend a week of pure relaxation on the warm beaches of Tahiti. I have always wanted to stay in one of those little huts that are out in the middle of the water with glass floors; watching the fish swim by and taking a moonlight dip in the warm salt water sounds amazing.
Ride in an old fashioned cattle drive. I'm sure my butt will be sore after the first few hours and my back sore after the first night, but count me in for the cowboys, campfires and beautiful scenery!Fill up my new passport with Stamps from all over the world. Particularly France, Italy, China, Spain, Switzerland, Ireland, Greece and Germany.
On a simpler note, I plan to donate blood, join the National Bone Marrow Registry in hopes of saving someone life, spend more quality time with my family and try to not sweat the small stuff. Although I don't plan to cross everything off my bucket list in 2011, I hope to chip away at it the best I can.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Goodbye, Farewell....

As a child, my brother and I would spent New Year's Eve watching TV, enjoying the occasional soda pop, and stuffing our faces with french onion dip and ruffles while my parents were out celebrating. Of course that was if we could keep the food away from our annoying baby sitter long enough! Funny how those memories come to light each year on this, the last day of the year. It's probably due to my guilt that we are going out tonight and leaving the boys with a babysitter...but hey we all have our own memories, right?
I can't say that I will miss you 2010...what a year it's been. Full of good times and bad. I do, however, feel like I have learned more about myself this year than any other thus far. That in itself makes it all worth it.
The highlights of the year for me were the new places we visited. Taking in the sights of San Francisco last April, touring Alcatraz definitely hits the top of the list for me. What a city....I still have visions of selling everything I own and moving there on a whim. Okay, Okay....maybe a little harsh, but someday! Spending a fun filled week at Disney World...feeling like a kid with all the magic, riding the rides and smiling when I saw all my favorite characters. Walking in the rain with my family from ride to ride and getting baked by the 106', record breaking Florida sun. Flying to Memphis, TN for Tommy's birthday and touring Graceland as a surprise. Learning of all the humanitarian things that Elvis did left me with hope and the need to do more to make the world a better place.
Of course watching my children grow and learn is always a highlight. I have definitely been blessed with four amazing children, who have all filled the year with funny stories and comments. I just wish that I could remember every single one of them.
I finish this year with a smile on my face, a spring in my step and a cold Miller Lite in my hand! I want to thank my friends for being my sounding board, my husband for putting up with me and my children for listening to my unnecessary rants. I love you all.
Goodbye 2010....I wish each of you a fantastic New Year filled with happiness and success.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Let the Game Begin...

It was another successful round of my Christmas game. Amanda was victorious once again and claimed the $100 prize. Everyone received as many presents as the letters in their name. Each gift was addressed to a word that started with letter. To help me keep things straight with the multiple letters that were shared in their names, I simply gave Carter 3 letter words, Sam 4 letter words, Amanda 5 letter words and so on. It was no surprise to me that she won again....I had another theme started, presents labeled and under the tree several weeks ago but after she snooped at the gifts, unbeknown est to her, she guessed the original theme. So I had to scramble to come up with a new one and re-label all the gifts. It was all worth it because I love this tradition I have started with them.
The kids made a haul as usual. Samuel's favorite gifts were a new pro-skateboard that Josh gave him, a purple hat that Amanda bought for him and his roller blades that we got him. Carter, is such a simple, sweet soul. His favorite gifts were his spongebob hat that Amanda got him and the squishy slime that Santa left in his stocking. Amanda loved her Tiffany earrings and the shoes that her boyfriend, Bailey gave her. Josh had a hard time choosing his favorite gift, but it was a tie between his bamboo iPhone cover and Salvador Dali painting. The top of Tommy's list was the rifle I bought him and coincidently my favorite gift was the pink pistol, followed closely by the James Avery ring that he bought me. Guns and jewelry...what more could a girl ask for?

All in all it was a very nice day with my family. I slaved in the kitchen cooking a traditional Ham dinner but if I don't step foot in the kitchen for another 365 days, that would be soon enough for me. I am happy to be relaxing in my recliner, watching movies and eating popcorn with all the kids. What a great way to end an already GREAT day!
Merry Christmas!
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