Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye, Farewell....

As a child, my brother and I would spent New Year's Eve watching TV, enjoying the occasional soda pop, and stuffing our faces with french onion dip and ruffles while my parents were out celebrating. Of course that was if we could keep the food away from our annoying baby sitter long enough! Funny how those memories come to light each year on this, the last day of the year. It's probably due to my guilt that we are going out tonight and leaving the boys with a babysitter...but hey we all have our own memories, right?

I can't say that I will miss you 2010...what a year it's been. Full of good times and bad. I do, however, feel like I have learned more about myself this year than any other thus far. That in itself makes it all worth it.

The highlights of the year for me were the new places we visited. Taking in the sights of San Francisco last April, touring Alcatraz definitely hits the top of the list for me. What a city....I still have visions of selling everything I own and moving there on a whim. Okay, Okay....maybe a little harsh, but someday! Spending a fun filled week at Disney World...feeling like a kid with all the magic, riding the rides and smiling when I saw all my favorite characters. Walking in the rain with my family from ride to ride and getting baked by the 106', record breaking Florida sun. Flying to Memphis, TN for Tommy's birthday and touring Graceland as a surprise. Learning of all the humanitarian things that Elvis did left me with hope and the need to do more to make the world a better place.

Of course watching my children grow and learn is always a highlight. I have definitely been blessed with four amazing children, who have all filled the year with funny stories and comments. I just wish that I could remember every single one of them.

I finish this year with a smile on my face, a spring in my step and a cold Miller Lite in my hand! I want to thank my friends for being my sounding board, my husband for putting up with me and my children for listening to my unnecessary rants. I love you all.

Goodbye 2010....I wish each of you a fantastic New Year filled with happiness and success.

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