Monday, December 03, 2012

Family Traditions

Around this time last year, we were visiting various colleges and universities in hopes of finding the perfect fit for Amanda. I remember her stressing that she wanted to attend a college that had numerous school traditions. At the time, I just thought that was something silly to even be concerned about. However, as I was preping our house for Christmas this weekend, I realized how many holiday traditions I have instilled in my children. So I decided to sit down and list them just for fun.

* Every year beginning from the time they were born, I have bought a special ornament for them. As they grew, their ornament would be a symbol of something they were interested in or liked at that time. It's my intention for each one of them to take their ornaments and hang them on their own family's Christmas tree someday.

* We always go out for a family dinner on Christmas Eve. When the kids were small, Santa sometimes visited while we were gone, to throw them off since they were with us the entire time. After dinner, we spend the evening viewing Chistmas lights and walking through displays.

*The annual Christmas Gift Game....11 years ago I got tired of the the kids peaking in the presents and Tommy guessing every gift. So each year I come up with a theme. For example one year the theme was animals. Each person represented a different group of animals. Amanda was zoo animals. Josh was birds. Tommy was ocean animals. Samuel was farm animals, and so on. It keeps them from shaking and guessing because they don't know which gifts are theirs. On Christmas morning, I pass out the gifts one at a time while everyone watches and keeps track on paper of who gets what. The first person to correctly identify the theme and category details, wins $100 cash. We've had a music group/song theme, states and capitals theme, ABC order theme, just to name a few. I start thinking up a new theme each year around Aug/Sept. Depending on the complexity of it, sometimes I've had to keep a written list to keep everything straight. It's always very controversial and competitive in our house, but never the less, it's FUN!

*This year we started a new tradition. We bought 24 children's Christmas books and wrapped them up individually. Beginning on December 1st, the boys alternate and open one book per night. Sometimes they read us the story and other times, I read it to them. We bought most of the books at the local thrift store to keep cost down. So far, they really love it and it helps their reading level too!

* Leading up to Christmas Day, we always watch ALL of the movies and cartoons that pertain to Christmas.

* Christmas Day night, we go to the movies as a family.

* I make loads and loads of Christmas candy, cookies, breads, snacks, fudge and so on. We like to make our neighbors small trays of goodies and deliver to their houses the week of Christmas.

* Each year we like to do something for someone or some family that needs a little extra help during the holidays. Each year is different. Sometimes we give a gift card. Another time we bought lots of gifts. Many years ago we hosted a Christmas party for children at a low income housing project. It helps my children to remember how important important it is to GIVE at Christmas!

I guess I understand why traditions are so important to my kids. Anyway you look at it, Christmas has always been my favorite time of the year. Our family traditions, just add a little character to it!

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