Saturday, December 25, 2010

Let the Game Begin...

I really thought keeping the boys up for hours past their regular bed time on Christmas Eve would allow us some extra extra sleep time. Boy was I ever wrong...(yes, you heard me right, I said the "W" word). Samuel woke up at 1 am eagerly wanting to open presents. Thank goodness he was sleeping with Amanda and she made him go back to sleep. He woke again at 3am to the same response. Finally, at 5am, she could not hold him back anymore...I awoke to a 7 year old whispering in the face..."Mommmm"! I have to say getting Josh out of bed that early only happens once a year!

It was another successful round of my Christmas game. Amanda was victorious once again and claimed the $100 prize. Everyone received as many presents as the letters in their name. Each gift was addressed to a word that started with letter. To help me keep things straight with the multiple letters that were shared in their names, I simply gave Carter 3 letter words, Sam 4 letter words, Amanda 5 letter words and so on. It was no surprise to me that she won again....I had another theme started, presents labeled and under the tree several weeks ago but after she snooped at the gifts, unbeknown est to her, she guessed the original theme. So I had to scramble to come up with a new one and re-label all the gifts. It was all worth it because I love this tradition I have started with them.

The kids made a haul as usual. Samuel's favorite gifts were a new pro-skateboard that Josh gave him, a purple hat that Amanda bought for him and his roller blades that we got him. Carter, is such a simple, sweet soul. His favorite gifts were his spongebob hat that Amanda got him and the squishy slime that Santa left in his stocking. Amanda loved her Tiffany earrings and the shoes that her boyfriend, Bailey gave her. Josh had a hard time choosing his favorite gift, but it was a tie between his bamboo iPhone cover and Salvador Dali painting. The top of Tommy's list was the rifle I bought him and coincidently my favorite gift was the pink pistol, followed closely by the James Avery ring that he bought me. Guns and jewelry...what more could a girl ask for?

All in all it was a very nice day with my family. I slaved in the kitchen cooking a traditional Ham dinner but if I don't step foot in the kitchen for another 365 days, that would be soon enough for me. I am happy to be relaxing in my recliner, watching movies and eating popcorn with all the kids. What a great way to end an already GREAT day!

Merry Christmas!

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