Thursday, September 10, 2009

Struggles of Teenage Girls!

This past weekend, the Mustang JV volleyball team placed 3rd in a local tournament. Now that probably doesn't sound like headline news, but for these is! This team has played together for 4 years now and I have to say it has been a long road with many tears shed along the way.

During the 7th and 8th grade seasons, we couldn't buy a win. In 9th grade, they were able to pull it together enough to win a few games but could never pull it out enough to win the match. This year however, our team is currently 4-2. They are finally playing and communicating as a team. Our 3+ year loosing streak is finally over. I am so proud of them and how far they really have come. It has been endless hours of conditioning, practice, and numerous summer camps.

Don't get me wrong....they are still 15 year old girls. They argue enough to make one think they are all related. They all have their good and bad days....which happen to not be at the same time. And there is still so much unnecessary bickering going on, but again...they are still 15 year old girls who's lives revolve around drama!

Keep up the hard work's your year to kick some BUTT!

1 comment:

  1. I'm learning a little something about teenaged drama, myself. Kind of brings back some memories. Ug.

    Glad your girls are getting it together :)
