Friday, August 21, 2009

And It's Down To Three....

Yes, today was day I have been dreading for months. I watched tearfully last night as Joshua finished packing all his "stuff". He woke up early, and you know he must have been excited to be up before 6am, we loaded up his truck with bags of clothes, fridge, microwave, snowboard, computer, printer, ect, and he was gone by 6:45am. I am happy to say that he is already in Lubbock safe and sound.....probably enjoying a cold beer with his friends as I write this....but I just can't seem to get past the fact that he is gone. I always assumed that the first one to leave the nest would be the hardest, however, looking forward, I can't imagine that it's going get any easier with the remaining three.

As parents, we go through so starts small, like with not wanting our help with the little things. Then it progresses to not wanting to be seen with us as teenagers; then finally moving out and not needing us anymore. Well, not financially speaking of course! I feel like this all happened within the blink of an eye. It really wasn't that long ago that I tip-toed into his room in the middle of the night, carefully getting him out of his crib, just to hold him and watch him sleep. Obviously, I didn't require as much sleep back then!
I'm sure I will continue to worry about things like if he is going to class, if he is parting too much, if he is getting enough sleep, if he is eating decent food, ect, ect, ect. I'm positive that the worrying doesn't stop once they are gone. Actually, I'm reminded of this all the time by my own mother.

I am sure the level of noise in my house won't be effected in anyway....we are now down to three!

Friday, August 07, 2009

Is It Too Much To Ask?

Ok, so it's my birthday! All I asked for was a bumblebee! Sorry would have loved me as your owner! Between you and me.....I didn't think it was too much to ask!

So do I feel 38 today? mind still feels 18 while my body says, "ugh". I am the type that loves to celebrate my birthday, after all am I not the only person in the world born on August 7th? Well, probably not, but I like to think so! Should be a national holiday if you ask me....obviously no one ever did!

When I walked into the kitchen this morning, I had a few presents waiting patiently for me to rip open. In addition, my husband stayed up late making his famous/my favorite salsa for weekend away with my girlfriend. Definitely a bonus....we love to eat chips and salsa to drink with our beer.

Oh, yea...the weekend....I'm not sure where we are going; it is still a surprise. Karri and I love to celebrate each others birthday's! Some years it's been things such as a George Strait concert, others have been lazy days on the lake. Either way, I always seem to figure out the surprise. I don't try to do it on purpose and I can't help it. It happens after they tend to give out too much or just the right piece of information. However, this year....I'm still boggled, but have a few guesses. :) We'll see! I just know that I was instructed to bring a few clothes, a swim suit, and my i-pod. Could be just about anything here in sweat ville, but regardless, It sounds like a blast!

So again Mr. Bumblebee, I'm sorry....guess it was too much for me to ask!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Oh, What A Month.....

Well, this blog has sure gone to hell and a hand basket (as my mother would say) this summer. I had been so good at keeping up with it until I had surgery. Guess I have been pre-occupied with things such as, walking, that I have completely forgotten about my blogger duties.

So to fill you in.....I finally went back to work full time at the beginning of July. That is only to say I was physically present. My legs had a hard time understanding the concept of being on my feet all day and my mind was missing those afternoon naps. Well, not so much, as I did take a small one in my office recliner each afternoon. Shhhhhh...don't tell my Dad!

My pick line IV was removed just a few days before July 4th, just in time for me to enjoy the cool 104' heat in the swimming pool. At that time, I was still using a walker to get around but I found a way to get in that damn pool anyway! Getting that did pose a problem. Also, I was able to manage hosting a B-day party for Carter the very next weekend. It was a lot of fun, I was at least partially back to my normal self, but was exhausted by the end of the day! The party was a hit! Carter loved all the attention/gifts and probably wonders why it doesn't come around more often. It was his first birthday (5 yrs old) with us; we officially picked him up August 19, 2008. His official birthday day is the 23rd (same as my Grandfather's), however, since we would be out of town then, we celebrated early.

The end of July was my much anticipated 20th high school reunion. I had worked hard (with the help of a few of my friends) for over a year and was afraid that I wouldn't be well enough to attend. Of course, that put a fire under my butt and walking with a small limp....I was there! Everyone seemed to really enjoy all aspects of the 3 day affair...and I was relieved that I didn't end of being responsible for a flop! It was so much fun to see all my old friends again. No one seem to have changed much and we all had matured a lot. I was great to feel young again! It seems as though I was recruited to do the 30th reunion as well. Since that seems to be "my thing", I guess I will take another stab at it!

The kids enjoyed the trip to Colorado too. We visited the Royal Gorge, Sand Dunes National Park, saw (the super hot) Rodney Adkins in concert, took in a few parades, went to the local drive-inn as well as a few other small trips. And the week away from this dreadful heat was a bonus! The 14 hr drive wasn't event that bad, thanks to ipods for the older two and the DVD player for the Sam and Carter. Can you believe, no fight or yelling? Ya, me neither!

Josh and I attended his freshmen orientation in Lubbock. I can't believe that he will be leaving in about 2 weeks for college. I am already dreading it....getting my Kleenex box ready as he waves good-bye to me; much like I did to my mother 20 years ago. Paybacks really are a bitch!

I began my long journey in physical therapy yesterday. OOhhhhhh, I am really hurting today. My muscles, muscles are even sore. Its pretty pathetic when your only homework is..."Just don't fall down!" Usually something you don't hear directed to an almost 38 year old person. I know I just need to suck it up, but I may need to do so with the help of my walker!