"Adoption is not a humanitarian thing because I don't see it as a sacrifice, It's a gift." -- Angelina Jolie
Run a marathon....Well it's not at the top of my list but none the less, it's on my list. As out of shape as I am, I should start training. Well maybe next year!
Sell everything and move to a foreign country. Not sure which country and really, I'm not picky...but life has so much to offer each of us and I feel guilty, like I am cheating myself, for not exploring everything that's out there.Take helicopter flying lessons. I know this is an expensive hobby, but it's something that I have always wanted to do. I guess I should start out with baby steps and ride in one first.
Watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in person. Something about seeing those huge balloons and floats makes me feel like a kid again.Volunteer to work in a soup kitchen for the homeless on Thanksgiving Day.
Ring in the new year in Time Square, NYC. Amidst the freezing weather and a bazillion drunk people...it's a celebration like no other.Spend a week of pure relaxation on the warm beaches of Tahiti. I have always wanted to stay in one of those little huts that are out in the middle of the water with glass floors; watching the fish swim by and taking a moonlight dip in the warm salt water sounds amazing.
Ride in an old fashioned cattle drive. I'm sure my butt will be sore after the first few hours and my back sore after the first night, but count me in for the cowboys, campfires and beautiful scenery!